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Opinion on Vaccination

Opinion on Vaccination

Kairaku Building 302, 4-17-1 Taito, Taito-ku, Tokyo

Director of Tokyo DD Clinic

301 Kairaku Building, 4-17-1 Taito, Taito-ku, Tokyo

Chairman of the Board of Directors, Center for Research on Drug Injury

Satoshi Utsumi M.D.


Graduated from the University of Tsukuba, College of Medicine

Researcher, Institute of Oriental Medicine, Tokyo Women's Medical University

Worked in the Department of Gastroenterology, Tokyo Metropolitan Police Hospital

Worked at the Department of Internal Medicine and Chinese Medicine, Ushiku Aiwa General Hospital

August 2006 Opened the Ushiku Oriental Medicine Clinic

April 2013 Opened the present clinic and the present non-profit organization

Medical registration number 413617, June 7, 2000

My name is Utsumi and I lived in Hawaii until August 2019. Although I am from Japan, I would like to submit my opinion on vaccines objectively as a physician and drug researcher.

1. what is a vaccine and acquired immunity

2. Vaccine components and content of the package insert

3. History of Vaccine Harm

4. a study showing that the vaccine was ineffective1

5. a study showing that the vaccine was ineffective2

6. side effects and sequelae of vaccines

7. Conclusion

I. What is vaccine and what is acquired immunity

First of all, as a researcher of the history and literature on drug damage, I have taken a very critical and negative position on vaccines. Vaccines (vaccinations) are defined as "drugs that are made from pathogens (especially viruses) and inoculated into the human body or animals under the name of vaccination to generate antibodies in the body for prevention".

However, I would like to point out that the human body's immunity has many different structures, and it cannot become essential immunity if all of them do not function. In other words, vaccines are injected without regard to these various structures, and so they are ineffective or cause various harmful effects.

The good representation of acquired immunity is that once you get measles or mumps, you no longer get it, which many ordinary citizens have heard about. This point should be remembered as a first step.

II.Vaccine components

The vaccine is made up of the following ingredients as such, that's a rudimentary thing that's listed in the official document ( or an attachment). If a vaccine is on the agenda, you'll want to look at these attached document.


Mercury is an major neurotoxin and is still in the world's flu vaccines (the multiple-dose type). The most toxic of all metals is mercury, and some of you may have heard of its horror from Minamata disease. It is known, when you inoculate this major neurotoxin, it is absorbed much more readily than ingesting it orally through eating, and can cause abnormalities in the immune system, and most of all, it is known to accumulate in the brain and cause abnormalities in the brain.


A poison that has potential to cause degeneration of bone, bone marrow and brain. Aluminum adjuvants have been added to recent vaccines which ofcourse includes Cervical Cancer Vaccines. A typical adjuvant is aluminum hydroxide, which has been shown to have a perishing effect on the motor neurons in the brain.

・Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)

Monosodium Glutamate is an ingredient in so-called condiments, but it is subject to regulation and self-restraint in many countries, and when it is in vaccines it can easily cross the cerebral barrier and affect the brain, resulting in epilepsy, convulsions and destruction of the appetite center.

・Formaldehyde (embalming fluid)

Formaldehyde is a so-called formalin, a famous carcinogen and a substance that causes sick building syndrome (SBS).

・Polysorbate 80, tween 20, etc.

These are a substances called synthetic surfactant. The basic purpose of synthetic surfactants is to mix water and oil and they can break down the body's barriers in a variety of places. Polysorbate 80 has been found to cause infertility in female rats and testicular atrophy in male rats. It has also been found to cause cancer at the injection site in rats.

Monkey and dog kidneys, chicken, cow and human fetal cells and genes, and gelatin made from pigs and cows

The cells and genes are contained because the virus is cultured with these animal cells, as the result, they are contained in the injection. Normally we eat meat and fish, what is absorbed through the mouth and through the gastrointestinal tract is not so harmful. However, when it comes in as an injection, it is different from the original route and causes harm.

Vaccines are basically designated as a deleterious and powerful drug

Because vaccines are administered to children, people seem to think that it must be safe, however, vaccines are basically designated as a deleterious and powerful drug. A powerful drug in terms of "the second most potent drug next to a ‘poisonous drug’ that has a strong effect on living organisms and can be extremely dangerous if used in excessive amounts," and in general, it refers to (1) drugs that are lethal even in minute amounts, (2) drugs with toxic effects, (3) drugs with strong accumulation effects, (4) drugs with severe pharmacological effects, etc., and therefore, strict handling and storage are required that are regulated by the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law. Although the vaccine is a so-called deleterious drug, the following serious side effects are listed in the package insert.

(1) Variety of Shocks: "Shock (lower blood pressure and pulse rate, even death), anaphylaxis-like symptoms (acute drug allergy, risk of death), hives, respiratory distress, angioedema, etc....”

(2) Encephalomyelitis: May cause Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) (and, of course, can be fatal).

(3) Guillain-Barre syndrome: "frequency unknown".

(4) Cramps: The frequency is also unknown. (The same applies to (5) through (11) below) Cramps and febrile convulsions (with fever) may occur.

(5) Hepatic dysfunction: Hepatic dysfunction, jaundice, and increased liver function levels such as high GOT level may occur.

(6) Asthma: May induce an asthmatic attack.

(7)Thrombocytopenia: Thrombocytopenia (lessening of platelets) since platelets stop bleeding, when they decrease, internal bleeding occurs, followed by thrombocytopenic purpura, purpura (purple subcutaneous hemorrhage), nosebleeds, oral mucosal hemorrhage...etc.

(8) Vasculitis: allergic purpura, leukocytoclastic vasculitis, vasculitis ... These occur with severe allergic reactions.

(9) Interstitial pneumonia: Interstitial pneumonia may occur. Be careful of clinical symptoms such as fever, cough, and dyspnea.

(10) Encephalitis/Encephalopathy:Myelitis, encephalitis and encephalopathy may occur.

(11) Skin peeling:Cutaneous mucosal eye syndrome may occur. The skin and mucous membranes may dissolve from blisters to mush.

III. Vaccine Laws and the History of Vaccine Damage

In the history of drug-related injuries in Japan, the Vaccination Law was established in 1947 under the guidance of GHQ, and vaccinations were compulsory for everyone, however, there was no system to compensate for accidents, and even today, there is practically no compensation.

In the past, diphtheria vaccinations in Kyoto and Shimane prefecture killed more than 80 children between the ages of 1 and 2 and claimed nearly 1,000 victims, but the government did not disclose reports of vaccination incidents from various parts of Japan.

In 1970, a group of parents whose children were victims of vaccines got together and filed a complaint with the Ministry of Health, which led to a gradual change, and in 1994 there was another revision of the Vaccination Act, which created a system of routine and voluntary vaccinations like the one in the manuscript (compulsory vaccination was eliminated).

Routine vaccination is a type of vaccination that is strongly recommended to be given at a certain age, but is not legally compulsory. Voluntary vaccination are those that are left up to the individual and parents to decide whether or not to receive the vaccinations.

Vaccine accident in 1979 led to the temporary cessation of mass vaccination and then a world-famous study conducted by the Maebashi Medical Association (see below). In this study, data on about 75,000 people in and around Maebashi was compiled over a six-year period, and the results showed that the vaccine was ineffective. This lead to a nationwide movement to eliminate the mass vaccination of influenza vaccines was stopped in 1994. There are various circumstances in the history of voluntary vaccination as described above. Please refer to the following.

[Routine vaccination]

Live Vaccine

BCG Polio Measles Rubella Mixed (MR) Measles Rubella

Inactivated Vaccine

Triple Vaccine (DPT)/Double Vaccine (DT) Japanese Encephalitis, Influenza (65 years and older, some subjects aged 60-64 years), Hepatitis B, Varicella, Pneumococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae type B (Hib vaccine)

[Voluntary Vaccination]

Live vaccine

Parotitis (mumps) yellow fever

Inactivated Vaccine

Influenza (not eligible for routine vaccination), Hepatitis A, Rabies, Cholera, Weil's disease, Fall fever, HPV (human papillomavirus)


Tetanus toxoid, Diphtheria toxoid

IV. Example of a Study showing that the Vaccines was Ineffective

There is a lot of positive research presented to the public about vaccines, but at the same time, there are various negative studies that have been presented to the public. However, the public does not have access to those studies. In this document I would like to show the negative studies.

The most rudimentary study will be the aforementioned Maebashi Medical Association study of the flu vaccine. Mass vaccination in schools for influenza has been discontinued across the country since 1994, but for some reason most people don't know about it. Because of the very large and long term epidemiological data, the country was forced to admit it, and as a result of this, the flu vaccination rate dropped dramatically in 1995. Vaccination rates were down for about five years, but unfortunately, now this history has been forgotten and a trend has been created where vaccination is once again the norm.

According to the survey, Takasaki City, Kiryu City and Isesaki City were the 3 cities that received the flu vaccine, with the 76%-90% vaccination rate. On the other hand, those that did not receive vaccinations were Maebashi and Annaka cities, which had a vaccination rate of almost zero percent.

According to the data of 1984 and 1985, there is not much difference in the annual disease rate regardless of vaccinated or unvaccinated, and there is no statistically significant difference between Maebashi City, which did not receive any vaccination with other vaccinated cities。Infact, Isesaki City, (high vaccination rate city) had more disease rate than the two cities which did not receive vaccination.

Of course, it's not just the flu vaccine that doesn't work. The cervical cancer vaccine, along with the flu vaccine is probably the most notorious of all the vaccines in Japan these days,

Cervical cancer is a cancer of the cervix near the exit of the uterus and has been told by authoritative scientists that this cancer is caused by HPV (human papillomavirus), but recently this theory has been called into question.

It is now known that about 80% of women are infected with the HPV, but in the past there was no such thing as cervical cancer.

Since more than 90% of HPV infection disappears due to natural acquired immunity, the rate of cervical cancer from HPV is only about 0.1-0.15%, even if we accept the logic of vaccine advocates.

The cervical cancer vaccine is also reported to be ineffective if you are already infected with HPV and, conversely, it increases HPV.

Other studies, for example, that was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, showing that Gardasil (cervical cancer vaccine) is futile, and that there is no difference in the rate of virus elimination after 12 months between vaccinations, and that the HPV vaccine not only fails to eliminate the virus completely in the majority of women, but It has been shown to often cause an increase in HPV.

This reporter found no evidence that the vaccine was effective. In "The Great HPV Vaccine Hoax Exposed" by Mike Adams, the U.S. FDA (Federal Food and Drug Administration) states that as of 2003, "HPV is not dangerous virus, it disappears spontaneously even when infected, it has no long-term adverse health effects and is not associated with cervical cancer," and on the contrary, FDA documents show that the cervical cancer vaccine Gardasil increases cervical cancer by 44.6%.

V. Study showing that the vaccine was ineffective 2

Here are some of the other data that can be accepted as ineffective. President Putin has addressed the dangers of vaccines in his official press conference. President Trump said during his campaign that he would re-study the relationship between vaccines and autism.

The following data on measles and rubella comes from the National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Japan's leading research institute on infectious diseases, and covers the first 24 weeks of 2012.

The cumulative number of reported measles cases during the first 24 weeks of 2012 (those diagnosed between January 2nd and June 17th 2012) was 147, which is only about half the number of cases reported during the same period last year. By age group, the largest number of cases were in the age group of 0-1 years old, but adults over 20 years old accounted for 45% (66 cases), with the majority of cases in their 20s (31 cases) and 30s (23 cases). In terms of the number of reported cases by vaccination history, 50 cases (34%) with no previous vaccination accounted for the largest number of cases.

The cumulative number of reported cases of measles during the first 24 weeks of 2012 was 393, surpassing the 371 cases reported in entire 2011, which was the highest cumulative number of cases reported in a year, also 1.8 times more than the same period in year 2011 (214 cases).

By age group and vaccinations by history report by gender, more than three times as many males (303 cases (77%) compared with females (90 cases) were reported, with a median age of 32.0 years for males and 27.0 years for females. Regarding the vaccination history, 24% of males and 35% of females cases were with no history of vaccination.

In summary, this shows that 66% of people who had measles had the measles vaccine, 76% of men who had rubella had the rubella vaccine, and 65% of women who had rubella had the rubella vaccine. We will leave it up to you to decide if the vaccines work or not.

According to a whistleblower at Merck, the company that makes the cervical cancer vaccine Gardasil, the mumps vaccine (mumps) was ineffective and the research was nonsense.

Through a Freedom of Information Act request by Age of Autism editor Dan Olmsted and his colleagues, who say that in year 2001 August, at the Merck vaccine lab in Pennsylvania, it was noted that the data was falsified.

they pointed out that the spreadsheet (data recording) had not been verified and that was a questionable result with the addition of an inspector (insert formula to get answer) with it.

Steven A. Krahling and Joan A. Wlochowski, virologists at Merck, filed a lawsuit under the federal Whistleblower Act, alleging that they falsified data by hiding test results.

They said they witnessed injustice directly between 1999 and 2002. In summary, what Merck did is point out that they manipulated the testing procedure and falsified the test results in order to get a 95% vaccine efficacy = seroconversion rate.

The same is true for the diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis 3 way (DPT) vaccine (in Japan, the vaccine may be given as a four way). In the U.S., there are more routine vaccinations than in Japan, so although it is not full obligation, yet there is a tendency for it to be semi compulsory, with lot of data on it.

In one data set, 84% of people under the age of 3 in the U.S. were vaccinated, and in a 2010 California study, 81% of patients under the age of 18 with pertussis were vaccinated, and 81.5% of patients in Texas who had pertussis were vaccinated.

In other words, it's not working. And while the U.S. is one of the most vaccinated countries, nation had the highest incidence of pertussis in the last 50 years in 2012. Not to mention, more than 80% of people in US are vaccinated.

Pneumococcal vaccines also increase pneumonia. Using U.S. Census data from 1997, 2000, 2003, and 2006 and found that pneumonia increased by about 70 percent between 1997 and 2006.

A study published in the May 1, 2003 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine, a well-known medical journal, reported that the pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine does not reduce the overall risk of pneumonia in the elderly.

BCG does not work either. For example, a BCG evaluation trial in southern India in 1979 made public the fact that the vaccine was not effective in preventing bacillary tuberculosis.

The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United States conducted this thorough investigation from 1968. The conclusions were so startling that the Government of India consulted frequently with the experts of WHO and made the results public about a year after the completion of the study.

Public documents show that the incidence of tuberculosis was slightly higher in the BCG vaccinated group than in the non-vaccinated group.

Another famous report is a well-known medical paper showing that between the children who receive vaccines and children who do not, children who do not receive vaccine are extremely less likely to have medical emergencies and hospital outpatient visits than those who do get vaccinated. The study was described by 18 medical scientists and was written without succumbing to political or medical industry pressures. This is a large study with 320,000 people surveyed, with children between the ages of two months to two years old, done through 2004 to 2008. The results show that children who do not receive vaccines have a lower rate of hospital visits. The leading cause of emergency care and outpatient illness at that age is infectious diseases, especially viral infections.

It is said that, there are about 200,000 to 300,000 Amish in the U.S., The Amish are German immigrants who immigrated some 300-years ago and they rarely go to hospitals and don't get vaccines.

There is very little autism in their town, with an approximate rate of 1 in 30,000 people. The current autism onset rate in the U.S. is estimated to be around 1 in 50-70 people, and it is speculated that vaccines are the primary cause of this difference.

Not to mention they have very few allergies or asthma. And better yet, there have been no outbreaks of infectious diseases in the Amish town or community.

The same is true for the hepatitis B vaccine. 9,000 high school students in the U.S. who were vaccinated against hepatitis B were surveyed, 15% of them tested positive for being carriers.

In other words, the researchers say that this vaccine has not worked at all from obvious reason, that this result does not mean reduction of hepatitis B from 100% to 15%. Because, not everyone in this world is infected with hepatitis B virus. This percentage would have to show reduction to zero if the vaccination really works.

VI. Side Effects and After Effects of Vaccines

It has been pointed out in many countries that it is an illusion that vaccines are effective and to think that as long as people are vaccinated, they are safe from diseases. The number of people rejecting vaccines in Japan and the rest of the world is increasing, mostly because of the fear of the side effects and aftereffects of vaccines. The following are some of the studies that show this.

The most problematic adverse vaccine events in the world today are those that cause children to become autistic, mentally retarded or developmentally disabled.

There are numerous studies on this. If you look at the ingredients, it's no surprise that a child's brain function is lost, since it's a bunch of toxins that negatively affect the brain, and since you're taking several shots at a time when babies and toddlers have even weaker metabolisms, it's not surprising that a child's brain function is lost.

For example, Generation Rescue, an autism research and treatment organization, conducted a study of parents of children in California and Oregon to compare vaccinated and non-vaccinated. A total of 17,674 children were included in the study, because the study was independent and was not sponsored by a pharmaceutical company, the results were as follows.

*The incidence of asthma among children who were vaccinated increased by 120%.

*The incidence of ADHD among vaccinated boys increased by 317%.

*The incidence of neurological diseases among vaccinated boys increased by 185%.

*Autism incidence among vaccinated boys increased by 146%

Girls do not appear to have a firm figure as only 20% of the surveyed population were girls.

Another well-known study, called the KIGGS study, compared children who were vaccinated with children who didn't receive the vaccine and found that children who were vaccinated were two to five times more likely to have childhood diseases than those who didn't receive the vaccine.

The content was the German National Health Survey of 17,000 children (up to the age of 19), in which a private agency surveyed the health of children who were not vaccinated.

Herpes is dozens of times more prevalent in vaccinated children, but the fact that herpes is an infectious disease is what’s significant. The result is that vaccinated children are far more likely to get the infection than those who are not vaccinated.

The issue of the cervical cancer vaccine is probably not worth pointing out now, but I'll just post some of the press coverage.

An August 19, 2009 article in the U.S. and New York Times reported that there are more than 20 death reports after Merck's Gardasil vaccination.

An article in the UK's Guardian newspaper on October 1 of the same year reported 32 deaths in the United States within 7 days of cervical cancer vaccination.

Also in Europe, in 2007, a 19-year-old woman in Austria, followed by an 18-year-old woman in Germany, died after being inoculated with Merck's Gardasil.

In 2009, a 14-year-old girl died shortly after being vaccinated with GlaxoSmithKline's Cervarix in the UK.

All of these deaths occurred after the vaccine, although drug company investigations and news reports say they were unrelated to the vaccine.

In one Japanese study, 37 infants died from vaccinations between 1970 and 1974, so a group of doctors decided to boycott vaccinations stopped it completely for two months, resulting in a dramatic reduction in infant deaths, but at the end of 1988 the vaccination age was lowered to three months, resulting in another rise in the rate of sudden infant death syndrome.

Also, in Massachusetts, 42 children have died from vaccines since 1989, but 98% of children who died from vaccination died within 10 days of vaccination, 1/3 of them within 24 hours; in 2011 alone, there were 120 serious adverse reactions and 47 person has been sent to the emergency room with 11 people hospitalized.

A study by Dr. William Torch of the University of Nevada also reported a relationship between the DPT vaccine and sudden infant death syndrome.

According to the study, of the 103 children who died from sudden infant death syndrome, 70% died within 21 days of receiving the DPT vaccine, 60% within 14 days, 37% within 7 days, 26% within 3 days, 13% within 24 hours, and 6.5% within 12 hours, suggesting an association.

Studies also show that the growth in the graphs shows exact correlation values. The key point seems to be that the adverse effects occur in a short time after the vaccine is given.

The pneumococcal vaccine killed eight people in our country in 2011, and 22 people died in Belgium in two years before this vaccine was approved in Japan.

In one study, 87 showed neurological abnormalities in 934 children who received pneumococcal vaccine alone (87/934=9%), 62 showed neurological abnormalities in 287 children who received Prevenor and other vaccines on the same day (62/287=21%), and 163 showed neurological symptoms in 470 children who received pneumococcal vaccine and a combination of pneumococcal and six vaccines on the same day (163/470=34%).

In the interest of the public, Belgian organization Initiative Citoyenne has released a confidential 1,271-page report submitted by vaccine manufacturers to the EU government's drug safety licensing agency for the benefit of the public. The report details a wide range of adverse drug reactions of the vaccine.

It has been noted that there are 1742 adverse reaction reports, but unfortunately they do not take into account underreporting. Studies in drug harm often take into account physician underreporting and estimate the potential range to be 50 times the number in the reports. It is considered in (Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine Volume 84 June 1991 341) that 98 out of 100 adverse drug reactions for all drugs, including vaccines, go unreported.

In live vaccines, there is another perspective. In studies it has been shown that the live virus used in vaccines gets into the brain and is present there. One such study that looked at autopsies of elderly people has found that they had the live measles virus in 20% of their brains.

45 percent of the other organs were infected, and the virus was found to be more mutated than the normal virus. And what's more troubling is that in these cases there were no obvious symptoms of infection, and yet the virus was found to destroy tissue bit by bit. This is sometimes referred to as a "modified infection".

VII. Conclusion

It's unfortunate that we live in an era where society is forcing us to vaccinate more and more, but I would like to see people again become more knowledgeable about the many problems that have been pointed out with vaccines.

If the vaccine really works, it doesn't matter if someone else hasn't been vaccinated because other people have been vaccinated, in the first place.

If vaccines become mandatory in the United States, many people around the world will realize that America's freedoms have been completely lost and that it has become a fascist nation.

As a former resident of Hawaii, I don't want to see that happening. To proceed with coercion based on nothing but the knowledge of unquestioning television, newspapers and magazines, on the knowledge of lobbying pharmaceutical companies and their controlled academics, and on the arguments of legislators with conflicting interests, would be a complete denial of the old liberation history of the country. I would hope that the ethics, intelligence, and willingness of the American people to be free, and for the scientific examination to expose negative side will take place.

Chairman of the Board of Directors,

Center for Research on Drug Injury

Satoru Utsumi M.D.



Tokyo DD Clinic院長 東京都台東区台東4-17-1偕楽ビル301


                                内海 聡


筑波大学医学専門学群卒業 東京女子医科大附属東洋医学研究所 研究員 東京警察病院 消化器内科 勤務 牛久愛和総合病院 内科・漢方科 勤務 平成18年8月 牛久東洋医学クリニック 開業

平成25年4月 現クリニック開業および現NPO法人 開設

医籍登録番号 413617号 平成12年6月7日




3.ワクチンに関する薬害の歴史 4.ワクチンに効果がなかったという研究1






II.ワクチンの構成成分 ワクチンは以下のような成分でできています。それは公式文書(添付文書といいます)にも記載されている初歩的なことです。ワクチンが議題となっているなら添付文書は見ていただきたいと思います。













また、ワクチンは子どもに打つから安全性が高いと思われているようですが、ワクチンは基本的に劇薬指定されています。劇薬とは「『毒薬』に次いで生体に対する作用が強く、過量に使用すると、きわめて危険性の高い医薬品」であり、「一般的には、①微量でも致死量となるもの、②中毒作用のあるもの、③蓄積作用が強いもの、④薬理作用が激しいもの──などを指し、取り扱い・保存に 厳重な注意が望まれ『薬事法』で規定されている」などとあります。ワクチンはいわゆる劇薬ですが重大副作用として以下のようなものが、添付文書には記載されています。




















BCG  ポリオ  麻疹風疹混合(MR)  麻疹(はしか)  風疹


三種混合ワクチン(DPT)/二種混合ワクチン(DT)  日本脳炎  インフルエンザ(65歳以上、一部の60~64歳の対象者)、B型肝炎、水痘、肺炎球菌、B型インフルエンザ菌(Hibワクチン)





インフルエンザ(定期接種の対象外者)  A型肝炎  狂犬病  コレラ  ワイル病 秋やみ HPV(ヒトパピローマウイルス)


破傷風トキソイド  ジフテリアトキソイド











この報告者は、ワクチンが有効に作用したという証拠を何一つ発見できませんでした。『子宮頸がんワクチンの大ウソを暴く』(マイク・アダムス著、原題”The Great HPV Vaccine Hoax Exposed”)の中では、アメリカのFDA(連邦食品医薬品局)が2003年の時点で、「HPVは危険なウイルスではなく、感染しても自然に消滅するものであり、健康への長期的な悪影響はなく子宮頸がんとの関連性はない」と認識していた事実が明らかにされており、それどころか子宮頸がんワクチン・ガーダシルが、子宮頸がんを逆に44・6%増やすと書かれた、FDAの書類を示しています。








AGE of Autismの編集者であるダン・オルムステット氏たちによって情報公開法の請求によって、2001年8月ペンシルベニア州のメルクのワクチン研究室で、データが改ざんされていると指摘されています。スプレットシート(データ記録)の検証がされておらず、それでインスペクター(公式を入れて答えを出す)が追加されている疑わしい結果だったと指摘しています。

検査結果を非表示にしてデータを偽造したとして、メルク社のウイルス学者スティーブンA. KrahlingとジョーンA. Wlochowskiは、連邦政府の内部告発者法の下で訴訟を提起しました。






































1742件の副作用レポートがあるとされますが、残念ながら過少申告を考慮されていないと指摘されています。薬害における研究では医師の過少申告を考慮して、潜在的範囲をレポートの数字の50倍と見積もることが多いです。ワクチンを含む全薬剤の薬害反応は100件中98件が報告されないと、(Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine Volume 84 June 1991 341)で考察されています。






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ワクチン接種に関する意見書 東京都台東区台東4-17-1偕楽ビル302 Tokyo DD Clinic院長 東京都台東区台東4-17-1偕楽ビル301 NPO法人薬害研究センター理事長 内海 聡 <略歴> 筑波大学医学専門学群卒業 東京女子医科大附属東洋医学研究所 研究員...


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