ジュジュベ ハワイ クリニック
It is natural to be healthy...Illness is NOT NATURAL !
ジュジュべは 腸内フローラデトックスと

Jujube's job is to help you to eliminate the cause of your ailment
and to assist you in re-claiming your health.
床上の型 YUKA UE NO KATA “Floor forms”
16:坐法六種 シックスシティングフォームス
ZAHO ROKUSHU “Six sitting forms”
効果: 足の指、足底、足首、スネ、膝、太もも、腰周り、股関節、腰、鼠蹊部、腹部、脇腹、臀部:の痛み。
Strengthening and releasing: Major muscle and inner muscle, fascia, meridians, and range of motion of the respective: top of feet, ankles, shin, knees, thighs, groin, low back, back, glutes, iliacus, psoas.
Meridians: Releasing and toning Ki and circulation on: Bladder meridian of foot-Taiyang (Bladder meridian), Stomach Meridian of Foot- Yangming (Stomach Meridian), Gallbladder Meridian of Foot-Shaoyang (Gallbladder Meridian), Kidney meridian of Foot-Shayin (Kidney meridian), Liver Meridian of Foot-Jueyin (Liver Meridian), Spleen Meridian of Foot-Taiyin (Spleen Meridian),Governor Vessel (meridian on the back at the center line on the spine), Conception vessel (meridian on the frontal center line),Girdle Vessel (meridian that goes around waist)
Indication: Pain of the: Toes, bottom of feet, planter fascia, ankles, shins, knees, thighs, hip, hip joint, groin, low back, glutes, abdomen, ribs.
Improves: lower body strength, hip joint and groin, knee range of motion, psoas and iliacus strength, hemorrhoids, frequent urination, menstrual disorder, infertility, endometriosis and other female disorders, urination difficulty and prostate conditions, impotent, ovary and uterus blood circulation, lower body function of the people who cannot squat down.
With each breath, shift through 6 ways of sitting forms consisted of SHAGAMI (Squatting), KIZA (sitting with legs bent beneath one folding the toe), SEIZA (Japanese formal sitting with legs bent beneath one), AGURA (sitting cross-legged), TATEHIZA (sit with one knee drawn up), and YOKOZUWARI (sitting with legs out to one side) without touch the hands to the floor.
First, Shagami with feet flat on the floor without popping up both heels, then go in to the sequence of Kiza, Seiza, back to Kiza, then back to Shagami, then Agura, left Tatehiza, left Yokozuwari, Seiza, Kiza, Seiza, then right Yokozuwari, right Tatehiza, Agura, right Tatehiza, right Yokozuwari, Seiza, Kiza, Seiza, left Yokozuwari, left Tatehiza, finally going back to Agura.
Goal: Keep back and body’s center axis straight while going through the sitting forms.
Note: Take care not to raise the heel. Keep the back straight, do not touch the floor with the hands.
17:猫の型 (Cat form)
主な経絡: 督脈(後正中線の経絡)、任脈(前正中線の経絡):においた氣の流れ改善と氣の補足
目標: 舌を下に向かって細く長くとがらせること。視線が完全に上を見ること。
Strengthening and releasing: Major muscle and inner muscle, fascia, meridians, and range of motion of the respective: Eye, tongue, throat, mandible joint, atlas and occiput, sphenoid and other cranial bone, neck, thoracic, wrists, elbow, legs, knees, low back, back, abdomen.
Meridians: Releasing and toning Ki and circulation on: Governor Vessel (meridian on the back at the center line on the spine), Conception vessel (meridian on the frontal center line)
Indication: Pain of the: Wrists, eye, tongue, throat, jaw, wrists, elbow, legs, knees, neck, low back, back, chest, abdomen.
Improves: Eye conditions such as cataracts, eye health, throat, esophagus, bronchi, release diaphragm, gastro intestinal, intestinal function, colon, cranium alignment, head ache.
Get on the hands and knees, while breathing in, curb the back and neck, gaze at the belly button and take one breath. While breathing out, straighten the back and lift the head up wards gazing strongly upwards, opening the jaw and stick the tongue out stretching it down wards.
Goal: Stick the tongue out down wards squeeze and make pointy shape. Gaze should be upwards.
Note: Take care not to relax or take the gaze off. Do not stick the tongue out toward front. Keep powerful eyes and tongue position.
18:正中線前屈 アクシスフォワードフォールド SERICHUSEN ZENKUTSU (Axis forward fold)
主な経絡: 足の太陽膀胱経(膀胱経の経絡)、足の陽明胃経(胃経の経絡)、足の少陽胆経(胆嚢経の経絡)、足の少陰腎経(腎経の経絡)、足の厥陰肝経(肝経の経絡)、足の太陰脾経(脾経の経絡)、督脈(後正中線の経絡)、任脈(前正中線の経絡)、帯脈(腰回りの経絡):においた氣の流れ改善と氣の補足
目標: 背中を真っ直ぐ保ったまま前に前屈ができ、最終的には両足と上半身が平行になり密着すること。
Strengthening and releasing: Major muscle and inner muscle, fascia, meridians, and range of motion of the respective: Sole of feet, ankles, shin, calf, knees, thighs (front, back and medial, lateral), abdomen, groin, low back, back, glutes, iliacus, psoas.
Meridians: Releasing and toning Ki and circulation on: Bladder meridian of foot-Taiyang (Bladder meridian), Stomach Meridian of Foot- Yangming (Stomach Meridian), Gallbladder Meridian of Foot-Shaoyang (Gallbladder Meridian), Kidney meridian of Foot-Shayin (Kidney meridian), Liver Meridian of Foot-Jueyin (Liver Meridian), Spleen Meridian of Foot-Taiyin (Spleen Meridian),Governor Vessel (meridian on the back at the center line on the spine), Conception vessel (meridian on the frontal center line),Girdle Vessel (meridian that goes around waist)
Indication: Pain of the: Sole of feet, ankles, shin, calf, knees, thighs (front, back and medial, lateral), abdomen, lower abdomen (iliacus, psoas) groin, low back, back, glutes.
Improves: lower body strength, hip joint and groin, abdomen, knee range of motion, psoas and iliacus strength, hemorrhoids, frequent urination, menstrual disorder, infertility, endometriosis and other female disorders, urination difficulty and prostate conditions, impotent, ovary and uterus blood circulation, forward folding ability.
Extend both legs flushing the inner ankle locking the knees straight so the heel is not touching the ground. Fold the body forward while keeping the back straight. Feet pointing upward with the toes turned over.
Goal: Keep back and body’s center axis straight while folding forward, goal is to get body and legs parallel and flushed to each other.
Note: Take care the heels are left off of ground. Keep the back straight, do not rock to recoil. Switch the position of the hands in between the form.
19:正中線開脚 アクシススプリット
主な経絡: 足の太陽膀胱経(膀胱経の経絡)、足の陽明胃経(胃経の経絡)、足の少陽胆経(胆嚢経の経絡)、足の少陰腎経(腎経の経絡)、足の厥陰肝経(肝経の経絡)、足の太陰脾経(脾経の経絡)、督脈(後正中線の経絡)、任脈(前正中線の経絡)、帯脈(腰回りの経絡):においた氣の流れ改善と氣の補足
目標: 背中を真っ直ぐ正中線を保ったまま前に前屈ができ、最終的には上半身が平行の状態で床に付くこと
Strengthening and releasing: Major muscle and inner muscle, fascia, meridians, and range of motion of the respective: Sole of feet, ankles, shin, calf, knees, thighs (medial, posterior), abdomen, groin, low back, back, glutes, iliacus, psoas.
Meridians: Releasing and toning Ki and circulation on: Bladder meridian of foot-Taiyang (Bladder meridian), Stomach Meridian of Foot- Yangming (Stomach Meridian), Gallbladder Meridian of Foot-Shaoyang (Gallbladder Meridian), Kidney meridian of Foot-Shayin (Kidney meridian), Liver Meridian of Foot-Jueyin (Liver Meridian), Spleen Meridian of Foot-Taiyin (Spleen Meridian),Governor Vessel (meridian on the back at the center line on the spine), Conception vessel (meridian on the frontal center line),Girdle Vessel (meridian that goes around waist)
Indication: Pain of the: Sole of feet, ankles, shin, calf, knees, thighs (front, back and medial, lateral), abdomen, lower abdomen (iliacus, psoas), groin, low back, back, glutes.
Improves: lower body strength, hip joint and groin, abdomen, knee range of motion, psoas and iliacus strength, hemorrhoids, frequent urination, menstrual disorder, infertility, endometriosis and other female disorders, urination difficulty and prostate conditions, impotent, ovary and uterus blood circulation, forward splitting ability.
Split both legs widely locking the knees straight so the heel is not touching the ground. Fold the body forward while keeping the back straight. Feet pointing upward with the toes turned over.
Goal: Keep back and body’s center axis straight while folding forward, goal is to get body parallel touching the floor.
Note: Take care the heels are left off of ground. Keep the back straight, do not rock to recoil. Switch the position of the hands in between the form.
20:斜め正中線前屈 オブリークアクシスティルト
主な経絡: 足の太陽膀胱経(膀胱経の経絡)、足の陽明胃経(胃経の経絡)、足の少陽胆経(胆嚢経の経絡)、足の少陰腎経(腎経の経絡)、足の厥陰肝経(肝経の経絡)、足の太陰脾経(脾経の経絡)、督脈(後正中線の経絡)、任脈(前正中線の経絡)、帯脈(腰回りの経絡):においた氣の流れ改善と氣の補足
目標: 背中を真っ直ぐ保ったまま前に前屈ができ、最終的には上半身と足が平行の状態になること。
Strengthening and releasing: Major muscle and inner muscle, fascia, meridians, and range of motion of the respective: Sole of feet, ankles, shin, calf, knees, thighs (medial, posterior), abdomen, groin, low back, back, glutes, iliacus, psoas.
Meridians: Releasing and toning Ki and circulation on: Bladder meridian of foot-Taiyang (Bladder meridian), Stomach Meridian of Foot- Yangming (Stomach Meridian), Gallbladder Meridian of Foot-Shaoyang (Gallbladder Meridian), Kidney meridian of Foot-Shayin (Kidney meridian), Liver Meridian of Foot-Jueyin (Liver Meridian), Spleen Meridian of Foot-Taiyin (Spleen Meridian),Governor Vessel (meridian on the back at the center line on the spine), Conception vessel (meridian on the frontal center line),Girdle Vessel (meridian that goes around waist)
Indication: Pain of the: Sole of feet, ankles, shin, calf, knees, thighs (front, back and medial, lateral), abdomen, lower abdomen (iliacus, psoas), groin, low back, back, glutes.
Improves: lower body strength, hip joint and groin, abdomen, knee range of motion, psoas and iliacus strength, hemorrhoids, frequent urination, menstrual disorder, infertility, endometriosis and other female disorders, urination difficulty and prostate conditions, impotent, ovary and uterus blood circulation, forward splitting ability.
Indication: Pain of the: Sole of feet, ankles, shin, calf, knees, thighs (front, back and medial, lateral), abdomen, lower abdomen (iliacus, psoas), groin, low back, back, glutes.
Improves: lower body strength, hip joint and groin, abdomen, knee range of motion, psoas and iliacus strength, hemorrhoids, frequent urination, menstrual disorder, infertility, endometriosis and other female disorders, urination difficulty and prostate conditions, impotent, ovary and uterus blood circulation, forward splitting ability.
Split both legs widely locking the knees straight so the heel is not touching the ground. Bend the knee on the other leg forming the half AGURA sitting form. Turn hips toward direction of extended legs and lock your hips. Fold the body toward extended leg while keeping the back straight. Feet pointing upward with the toes turned over.
Goal: Keep back and body’s center axis straight while folding forward, goal is to get body and the leg parallel flushed to each other.
Note: Take care the heel on the extended leg is left off of ground. Keep the back straight, do not rock to recoil.
21:肩立ち鋤(すき)の型 ショルダースタンスプロウフォーム
KATATACHI SUKI NO KATA (Shoulder Stance plow form)
Strengthening and releasing: Major muscle and inner muscle, fascia, meridians, and range of motion of the respective: Throat, neck, thoracic, low back, back, abdomen, glutes.
主な経絡: 足の太陽膀胱経(膀胱経の経絡)、 督脈(後正中線の経絡)、任脈(前正中線の経絡)、帯脈(腰回りの経絡)においた氣の流れ改善と氣の補足
横になった姿勢から体を上に直角に伸ばし、足を伸ばした肩立ちの姿勢をとる。息を吐きながら頭の方へ足を延ばしたまま落とし、つま先を頭上の床に着地させ、鋤(すき)の型を作る。 つま先はしっかりと反らせて床につき、目線は臍に向ける。型を解くときは足を真っ直ぐに保ったまま、背中の上部から腰へと順番に床に戻し、足を真っ直ぐに保ちつつ床に下ろす。
目標: 肩立ちの姿勢から全ての動作を通して足を曲げないで終了する。常に足の指を反る。
Strengthening and releasing: Major muscle and inner muscle, fascia, meridians, and range of motion of the respective: Throat, neck, thoracic, low back, back, abdomen, glutes.
Meridians: Releasing and toning Ki and circulation on: Bladder meridian of foot-Taiyang (Bladder meridian), Governor Vessel (meridian on the back at the center line on the spine), Conception vessel (meridian on the frontal center line), Girdle Vessel (meridian that goes around waist)
Indication: Pain of the: Neck, throat, low back, back, chest.
Improves: Throat, respiratory system, diaphragm, thyroid, digestive organs, intestinal health. esophagus, bronchi, release diaphragm, gastro intestinal function.
Left off the leg vertically from the laying position extending the legs in shoulder stance. While exhaling, bring the feet over the head keeping the legs straight, toes touching the floor above the head to form Plow form. Toes need to be turned over to attach with the floor, eyes gazing the belly button. When undoing the form, lift the legs keeping them straight and back to the floor in back to hip sequence, still keeping legs straight and lay the legs back down at the end.
Goal: From the shoulder stance, Do Not bend the legs throughout the movement
Note: Make sure to keep the chin tucked in so the head does not look up. Keep the mind on the toes.
22:後屈の型 バックベンドフォーム
Strengthening and releasing: Major muscle and inner muscle, fascia, meridians, and range of motion of the respective: Eyes, neck, shoulders, throat, back, thoracic, low back, abdomen, glutes.
Meridians: Releasing and toning Ki and circulation on: Triple Burner Meridian of Hand Shaoyang (Triple Burner Meridian), Small intestine meridian of Hand Tai-yang(Small intestine meridian), Large Intestine Meridian of Hand-Yangming(Large Intestine Meridian),Lung meridian of Hand Taiyin (Lung Meridian), Heart Meridian of Hand-Shaoyin (Heart Meridian), Pericardium Meridian of Hand-Jueyin (Pericardium Meridian) , Bladder meridian of foot-Taiyang (Bladder meridian), Stomach Meridian of Foot- Yangming (Stomach Meridian), Gallbladder Meridian of Foot-Shaoyang (Gallbladder Meridian), Kidney meridian of Foot-Shayin (Kidney meridian), Liver Meridian of Foot-Jueyin (Liver Meridian), Spleen Meridian of Foot-Taiyin (Spleen Meridian),Governor Vessel (meridian on the back at the center line on the spine), Conception vessel (meridian on the frontal center line), Girdle Vessel (meridian that goes around waist)
Indication: Pain of the: Eyes, neck, throat, shoulders, back, low back, chest, abdomen, knees, ankles.
Improves: Entire posterior (back side) muscle strength, entire anterior muscle release, structural contortion,respiratory system, diaphragm, thyroid, esophagus, bronchi, coldness, edema, menstrual difficulty, body metabolism, gastro intestinal function.
From the lying position, place the hands next to ears with the fingers pointed towards the toes, set the feet parallel or slightly inward. Exhale followed by the deep inhalation, left the body off the ground, bending the back to create the arch. Lift the head off of the ground and strongly gaze the ground to squeeze eyes.
Goal: To increase the distance between the head and the floor. To be able to deep breath during the form.
Note: Do not stop breath. Fix the gaze on the floor.
23:膝脇入れ込み (Knee axilla Tuck)
補強と解放部位: 指、膝、背中、腹部、腰、股関節、臀部:の筋肉と深層筋、筋膜、経絡とその可動域
主な経絡: 足の太陽膀胱経(膀胱経の経絡)、足の陽明胃経(胃経の経絡)、足の少陽胆経(胆嚢経の経絡)、足の少陰腎経(腎経の経絡)、足の厥陰肝経(肝経の経絡) においた氣の流れ改善と氣の補足
Strengthening and releasing: Major muscle and inner muscle, fascia, meridians, and range of motion of the respective: Fingers, knees, back, abdomen, low back, groin, glutes.
Meridians: Releasing and toning Ki and circulation on: Bladder meridian of foot-Taiyang (Bladder meridian), Stomach Meridian of Foot- Yangming (Stomach Meridian), Gallbladder Meridian of Foot-Shaoyang (Gallbladder Meridian), Kidney meridian of Foot-Shayin (Kidney meridian), Liver Meridian of Foot-Jueyin (Liver Meridian), Spleen Meridian of Foot-Taiyin (Spleen Meridian).
Indication: Pain of the: Fingers, knees, low back, groin.
Improves: prostate problems, hemorrhoid, menstrual cramp, constipation, tension in psoas.
From the lying position, bring up one leg to front of the body, bend knee and with fingers of both hands tied, pull the knee in to the armpit and breathe while putting strength only in the hands and fingers. Throughout the form, keep the chin tucked so the neck remains flat on the ground. Foot of the bend leg is stretched straight, with toes curled backwards.
Goal: To tuck the knee under arm pit.
Note: Keep chin tucked in so the head does not look up. Put pressure only in the hands and fingers.
24:膝抱え込み ニーブレイシング
HIZA KAKAEKOMI (Knee bracing)
主な経絡: 足の太陽膀胱経(膀胱経の経絡)、足の陽明胃経(胃経の経絡)、足の少陽胆経(胆嚢経の経絡)、足の少陰腎経(腎経の経絡)、足の厥陰肝経(肝経の経絡) においた氣の流れ改善と氣の補足
Strengthening and releasing: Major muscle and inner muscle, fascia, meridians, and range of motion of the respective: Knees, back, abdomen, low back, groin, glutes.
Meridians: Releasing and toning Ki and circulation on: Bladder meridian of foot-Taiyang (Bladder meridian), Stomach Meridian of Foot- Yangming (Stomach Meridian), Gallbladder Meridian of Foot-Shaoyang (Gallbladder Meridian), Kidney meridian of Foot-Shayin (Kidney meridian), Liver Meridian of Foot-Jueyin (Liver Meridian), Spleen Meridian of Foot-Taiyin (Spleen Meridian).
Indication: Pain of the: knees, low back, groin.
Improves: prostate problems, bladder, hemorrhoid, menstrual cramp, constipation, tension in psoas.
From the lying position, bring up both knees and brace them using both arms. With the pull on to the knees, relax the spine to get each vertebra to lie to the floor. Throughout the form, keep the chin tucked so the neck remains flat on the ground. Both feet are stretched straight, with toes curled backwards.
Goal: Both knees touch the chest.
Note: Keep chin tucked in so the head does not look up.
25:歩空法 スカイウォーカー
HOKUU HO (Sky walker)
補強と解放部位: 足指、足先、足首、膝、腹筋、腰、背中、鼠蹊部、臀部、腸腰筋:の筋肉と深層筋、筋膜、経絡とその可動域
主な経絡: 足の太陽膀胱経(膀胱経の経絡)、足の陽明胃経(胃経の経絡)、足の少陽胆経(胆嚢経の経絡)、足の少陰腎経(腎経の経絡)、足の厥陰肝経(肝経の経絡)、足の太陰脾経(脾経の経絡)、督脈(後正中線の経絡)、任脈(前正中線の経絡)、帯脈(腰回りの経絡)においた氣の流れ改善と氣の補足
床に横になり、膝(ひざ)を曲げて片足を上げ、その足の足先を伸ばし、爪先は反らす。伸ばしている足の膝は固めて足首を曲げて足先を直角にし、同じく爪先は反らせる 。この動作を呼吸とともに連動させ、背骨をリラックスさせて脊柱一つ一つを地面につけ状態で、常時顎を引いて首が地面に接地した状態を保つ。
Strengthening and releasing: Major muscle and inner muscle, fascia, meridians, and range of motion of the respective: Toes, feet, ankles, Knees, abdomen, back, low back, groin, glutes, psoas.
Meridians: Releasing and toning Ki and circulation on: Bladder meridian of foot-Taiyang (Bladder meridian), Stomach Meridian of Foot- Yangming (Stomach Meridian), Gallbladder Meridian of Foot-Shaoyang (Gallbladder Meridian), Kidney meridian of Foot-Shayin (Kidney meridian), Liver Meridian of Foot-Jueyin (Liver Meridian), Spleen Meridian of Foot-Taiyin (Spleen Meridian), Governor Vessel (meridian on the back at the center line on the spine), Conception vessel (meridian on the frontal center line),Girdle Vessel (meridian that goes around waist)
Indication: Pain of the: Sole of feet (Planter fascia), ankles, knees, abdomen, lower abdomen, back, low back, groin, glutes.
Improves: Abdominal muscle strength, iliacus, psoas strength, blood circulation on lower abdomen, prostate problems, bladder, hemorrhoid, menstrual cramp, constipation.
From the lying position, bring up one leg by bending knee and have the foot stretched straight, with toes curled backwards. Lock the knee on the extended leg, bend the ankles to form angle with the foot thrust the heel out. With the proper rhythm of breath simultaneously, alternate this movement with the opposite side. Throughout the form, relax the spine to get each vertebra to lie to the floor, keep the chin tucked so the neck remains flat on the ground.
Goal: Focus on the form all the way to tip of the toe.
Note: Keep chin tucked in so the head
26:脊柱解放の型 スパイナル リリース フォーム
SEKICHU KAIHOU NO KATA (spinal release form)
補強と解放部位:目、首から背中、腰と膝 第一頸椎から仙骨までの脊柱(背骨)全てと臀部:の筋肉と深層筋、筋膜、経絡とその関節の可動域
Strengthening and releasing: Major muscle and inner muscle, fascia, meridians, and range of motion of the respective: Eyes, whole spine through neck, back and low back, glutes.
Meridians: Releasing and toning Ki and circulation on: Governor Vessel (meridian on the back at the center line on the spine), Gallbladder Meridian of Foot-Shao yang (Gallbladder Meridian), Girdle Vessel (meridian that goes around waist).
Indication: Pain of the: Eyes, fingers, wrists, elbows, neck, shoulder, chest, intercostal (ribs), back, glutes, low back.
Improves: Eyes, vertebral alignment through occiput, cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacrum, general organ functions by releasing the nerve root pressure of the vertebras, semicircular cannel, numbness in extremities, prostate, constipation, menstrual difficulty.
From the lying position, spread arms apart as to create stability. left one leg upwards locking the knee to keep straight, bringing the leg over to touch the ground on the opposite side of the body. Turn the neck to the opposite side of where the leg is, strongly gaze the ground to create squeeze in the eyes.
Goal: Keep the leg straight while touching the ground, side of the face should be flush to the ground on the opposite side.
Note: Lock the knee straight, keeping the gaze strong.
27:仏の型 セイント フォーム
目標: 常に呼吸に意識が行くようにする。
Releasing: All of the major muscle and inner muscle, fascia, meridians, and range of motion.
Meridians: Releasing and toning Ki and circulation on all of the meridians.
Indication: Improves pain and ailment of the whole body, by correcting the vital wave energy, restoring all of the Five Zang (lung, heart (pericardium), liver, spleen, kidneys) and six Fu (large intestine, small intestine, stomach, urinary bladder, gall bladder, triple burner) organs balance, balancing the autonomic nervous system.
Lie down with the chin tucked in, put two ankles together and form praying hand on the chest. With exhale, drop and let go of the hands and the feet to the ground. Relax, feel the Ki circulating in the tips of hands and feet, deep in the body and joints. First of all imagine the “True fundamental of life” and connect to inner universe. Then, engage in abdominal breathing through the nose. Focus on the abdominal breathing throughout the whole time.
Goal: Focus on the abdominal breathing throughout the whole time.
Note: Do not think about anything, if the mind starts to go again, cancel that thought and put the conscious back on breathing, keeping the conscious only on the breath. Disengage muscles to relax completely.
Hotoke no Kata ~true fundamental of Life and Seishin To Itsu meditative breathing~
Take your mind to top of your head through the toes and hands, muscle, facia, joints, bone internal organs throughout the body, feel the pulsation go through. Be conscious of the movement of the water and content in the intestines, blood, lymph fluid and body fluid. Be aware of the circulation of cerebral vascular fluid in the head through the spine to the sacrum. Feel the circulation.
In the microscopic level, your body contain a bundle of the tiny capillary artery and vain that has enough length to go around the earth’s surface, which the red blood cell lines up in single file with in the capillaries. When the blood circulation is not able to pass through these capillaries, inflammation develops in attempt dilate and widen the blood capillary to restore circulation. Body may send pain signals to your brain and even load up the area with many white cell to clean up the stagnant materials. So the chronic pain is not a structural defect but more of inflammation coming from stagnation. This is the true nature of the pain. Understand that consciously relaxing and dilating the capillary so the red blood cells can pass through with more ease that will result in less pain and more health and more comfortable living. Lymphatic fluid circulates alongside of veins. Also, the extracellular fluid circulates in between the 48 trillion cells that consist the body.
In the microscopic level, cell is made up of mostly water, cytoskeleton is made of protein particles in a Matrix formation, resembling the shape somewhat like dandelion seed with open area filled with fluid. Even the outer layer known as cell wall is not closed-in structure, but rather an open matrix with many gaps to allow intra cellular fluid and extracellular fluid going in and out. In the microscopic world everything is free flowing and inter changeable, the protein of cytoskeleton contain water as well.
In the fundamental level, these cells are made from your blood cell that develops in the intestine. This very well documented phenomenon is called the Intestinal Hematopoiesis, which explains the fact that blood cell are primarily made in the small intestine, along with substitute production in the bone marrow. After the production of blood it differentiates to different body cell, indicating that blood cell and the rest of body cells are not separate beings. They are similar being that are just taking different forms for time being.
Food from the intestines changes in to blood, then the blood differentiate in to body cell. There is also a reverse, situation when the cell dedifferentiate into blood and blood breaks up and leaves the body. This is the detoxification process originating from catabolic effect that heals (breaks up) the stagnation, unwanted mass, and disease.
In a more smaller elemental level, the cell is consisted of elements like carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen. These element s are bound by the vital electric force and has a gap in between them. Therefore, elements are free moving that can go in and out of place, depending on the anabolic accumulation from eating, and detoxifying catabolic function. So our body is reputedly accumulating and disassembling subjected to constant change just like the insubstantial candle light. Try to feel these elemental flow.
In even smaller elementary particle level, elements are composed of atoms. Atoms are made up of nucleus and electron orbiting around it. The electron and the nucleolus are particles just like a mist of cloud it is almost unsubstantial. In the imagination, If the electron were to bloom in to the size of golf ball, the nucleolus will be equivalent to the size of the basketball with the 100 kilometers of distance in between them. The areas in between them are consisted of vacuum that opens the path to the high dimensional metaphysical space. Imagine and feel the inner universe that opens up from within yourself.
Inner universe expands ever eternally connecting to macrocosm. Cosmos exist in and out of your body, and cosmos is what make your been. Be receptive of the genuine information wave coming from this high dimensional realm. You who are the master of this inner universe host the eternal possibility.
What makes up our life force is information wave energy from this micro universe, and our breath, heart beat and ocean wave’s simultaneous relationship suggest that wave energy from macro cosmos are all in correlation. These energy are earth’s own gravitation, and gravitation force combined with its revolution and rotation, and another gravity and light energy from the sun, the moon and rest of orbits within and out the galaxy.
After the mutual understanding of your life been. Let us now look at what is obstructing these vital life force. The obstructing factor is in your consciousness, It is your unstoppable thought process occupying your mind. This busy mind piles up daily accumulate in your consciousness. it is your deeply embedded thought pattern that manifests as stress which blocks and obstructs the life force. If the life force relating the breathing is inhibited one may have breathing difficulties, if the life force to the heart is obstructed, result is arrhythmia and PVCs. They are basic life force disturbance.
Therefore, It is essential to tune the life force by removing the thought process from your mind.
This can be made possible by engaging in HOTOKE NO KATA or Saint Form while doing SEISHIN TO ITSU breathing done just by concentrating on your breathing for 5 minutes. If engaged right, one will feel the immediate Since of ease and relaxation that will last through the whole day. Continue the process every day gradually taking out he blockage one by one.
Let’s make a best day out of today....Every day.