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〜立ちの型系 スタンディング フォーム シリーズ〜

TACHI NOKATA KEI (Standing form series)

1.ジュガ・カタ 太陽礼拝 (0:30) サンソルテーション  














Strengthening and releasing: Major muscle and inner muscle, fascia, meridians, and range of motion of the respective: Fingers, wrists, elbows, abdomen, back, shoulders, shoulder blade, collar bone, chest, ribs, sternum, all vertebra from occipital, cervical, thoracic and sacrum, upper and lower back, back of leg, hamstrings, calf, Achilles tendon, sole, plantar fascia and diaphragm.


Meridians: Releasing and toning Ki and circulation on: Bladder meridian of foot-Taiyang (bladder meridian), Governor Vessel (meridian on the back at the center line on the spine), Conception vessel (meridian on the frontal center line), Girdle Vessel (meridian that goes around waist) 


Indication: Pain of the: fingers, wrists, elbows, neck, shoulder, chest, back, low back, waist, ankles calf, Achilles tendon, heels, sole, plantar fascia. 

Improves: vertebral alignment through occiput, cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacrum, general organ functions by releasing the nerve root pressure of the vertebras, (5 Zang 6 Fu organs), respiratory organs, balance, semicircular cannel.

*Stand shoulder breadth with feet parallel to each other. Lock fingers, both elbows and knees to keep arms and legs straight. While inhaling, lift both arms forward and bring all the way up above your head at the same time lift both heels off the ground to stand with your forward feet, weight bearing is placed on the medial forward foot. When the arms are above the head, pull the body up with the image of your vertebrae getting stretched apart to stretch up wards. Bring the arms around the back with the image as to hug the person in the back and open the arms backwards keeping it straight, stretch open the chest, sternum (chest bone) and ribs. exhale while bringing the arms down, heels also come down to stand in normal position.

With the same breath, fold forward keeping the back straight, touching the ground, top of feet, shins or the knees.  

Goal: Stretch the arms up while Keeping the back straight. Able to get the back of the hands to touch each other in your back. Flushing the upper body to the legs while keeping the back straight. 

Note: keep fingers, elbow and knees from bending. The body axis always maintained straight, taking care so stomach and chest does not pop forward. Take care so the weight bearing stays on the inner side of the feet. 

Anchor 1
Anchor 11

2.振鼓(ふりつづみ)の型 (1:30) デンデンドラム メソッド 

FURITSUZUMI NO KATA “Denden Drum Method”




主な経絡: 手の少陽三焦経(三焦経の経絡)、手の太陽小腸経(小腸経の経絡)、手の陽明大腸経(大腸経の経絡)、手の太陰肺経(肺経の経絡)、手の少陰心経(心臓経の経絡)、手の厥陰心包経(心包経の経絡)、 督脈(後正中線の経絡)、任脈(前正中線の経絡):においた氣の流れ改善と氣の補足








Strengthening and releasing: Major muscle and inner muscle, fascia, meridians, and range of motion of the respective: Eyes, whole spine through neck, back and low back, knees. 


Meridians: Releasing and toning Ki and circulation on: Triple Burner Meridian of Hand Shaoyang (Triple Burner Meridian), Small intestine meridian of Hand Tai-yang(Small intestine meridian), Large Intestine Meridian of Hand-Yangming(Large Intestine Meridian),Lung meridian of Hand Taiyin (Lung Meridian), Heart Meridian of Hand-Shaoyin (Heart Meridian), Pericardium Meridian of Hand-Jueyin (Pericardium Meridian) Governor Vessel (meridian on the back at the center line on the spine), Conception vessel (meridian on the frontal center line).


Indication: Pain of the: Eyes, fingers, wrists, elbows, neck, shoulder, chest, intercostal (ribs), back.

Improves: Eyes, vertebral alignment through occiput, cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacrum, general organ functions by releasing the nerve root pressure of the vertebras, balance, semicircular cannel, numbness in extremities.  


*Swing both arms using the pendulum principle and torque the center axis of the body. Create rhythm so at each end of the circular dynamic the swinging hands taps the buttocks.  On the 3rd torque, with the strong exhale, throw the arms high up, and with strength, gaze the opposite corner of the back. 

Goal: Up on torqueing and turning, the peripheral vision reaches the opposite corner of the back. 


Note: At each end of circular dynamic, swinging hands taps the buttocks.

Anchor 2
Anchor 12

Strengthening and releasing: Major muscle and inner muscle, fascia, meridians, and range of motion of the respective: Shoulder, upper back, shoulder blades.

Meridians: Releasing and toning Ki and circulation on: Small intestine meridian of Hand Tai-yang

Indication: Pain of the: Shoulder, upper back, shoulder blades, neck. 

Improves: Heart function, respiratory system, shoulder and shoulder blade range of motion.

Hold one elbow with hand and cross over the head.  Using the strength of the hand that's supporting the elbow, pull the elbow down along the back of the head. Palm of the hand that's been pulled down should flush on to the spine of neck and upper back. Breathe 3 times.

Goal: To get the palm to touch lower areas of the spine.

Note: Take care to continue breathing throughout the form. 

Anchor 3

3.肘上抱え伸ばし アッパーエルボーフレックス 


補強と解放部位:肩、背中、肩甲骨: の筋肉と深層筋、筋膜、経絡とその関節の可動域








4.肘下抱え伸ばし ローワーエルボーフレックス



補強と解放部位:肩、肩甲骨: の筋肉と深層筋、筋膜、経絡とその関節の可動域








Strengthening and releasing: Major muscle and inner muscle, fascia, meridians, and range of motion of the respective: Shoulder, upper back, shoulder blades.

Meridian: Releasing and toning Ki and circulation on: Small intestine meridian of Hand Tai-yang

Indication: Pain of the: Shoulder, upper back, shoulder blades, neck. 

Improves: Heart function, respiratory system, shoulder blade and shoulder range of motion.

Hold one elbow with hand and cross over the back.  Using the strength of the hand that's supporting the elbow, pull the elbow up along the back. back of the hand of the arm that's been pulled up should flush on to the upper back spine. Breathe 3 times.


Goal: To get the back of the hand to touch higher areas of the spine.

Note: Take care to continue breathing throughout the form. 

Anchor 4
Anchor 5

5.後ろ回旋の型 リバースプロペラフォーム

USHIRO KAISEN NOKATA “Reverse Propeller Form” 








Strengthening and releasing: Major muscle and inner muscle, fascia, meridians, and range of motion of the respective:  Shoulder, chest, upper back, shoulder blades.

Meridians: Releasing and toning Ki and circulation on: Triple Burner Meridian of Hand Shaoyang, Small intestine meridian of Hand Tai-yang,Lung meridian of Hand Taiyin, Large Intestine Meridian of Hand-Yangming, Kidney meridian of Foot-Shayin, Stomach Meridian of Foot- Yangming, Liver Meridian of Foot-Jueyin, Conception vessel (meridian on the frontal center line).

Indication: Pain of the: Shoulder, chest, upper back, shoulder blades, neck. 

Improves: Heart function, respiratory system, shoulder blade (scapula peel) and shoulder range of motion.


Much like the martial art propeller block movement usually done in front of the body, engage in same movement behind your back with the inhalation, with exhale, push the arm out far as possible. Palm of the over arm touches the upper back or the neck, while the back hand of the lower arm flushes with the spine. Engage those hands behind the back. 


Goal: To get the arms to go out far as possible behind back, and engage those hands at the center of the back. 

Note: Take care not to set the palm and the back hand to apposite position. 

Anchor 6

6.後ろ拝み手の型    リバースプレイハンズフォーム

USHIRO OGAMITE NOKATA “reverse praying hands form”




主な経絡:手の少陽三焦経(三焦経の経絡)、手の太陽小腸経(小腸経の経絡)、手の陽明大腸経(大腸経の経絡)、手の太陰肺経(肺経の経絡)、手の少陰心経(心臓経の経絡)、手の厥陰心包経(心包経の経絡)、 督脈(後正中線の経絡)においた氣の流れ改善と氣の補足






Strengthening and releasing: Major muscle and inner muscle, fascia, meridians, and range of motion of the respective: Wrists, elbows, shoulders, shoulder blade, collarbone, back, chest.


Meridians: Releasing and toning Ki and circulation on: Triple Burner Meridian of Hand Shaoyang (Triple Burner Meridian), Small intestine meridian of Hand Tai-yang(Small intestine meridian), Large Intestine Meridian of Hand-Yangming(Large Intestine Meridian),Lung meridian of Hand Taiyin (Lung Meridian), Heart Meridian of Hand-Shaoyin (Heart Meridian), Pericardium Meridian of Hand-Jueyin (Pericardium Meridian) , Governor Vessel (meridian on the back at the center line on the spine)


Indication: Pain of the: Wrists, elbow, chest, shoulder, upper back, neck. 

Improves: Autonomic nervous system, Heart and respiratory functions, cardiac muscle, adrenal, shoulder level.


Bring the hands behind your back, put the palms together make praying hands with fingers pointing up ward behind your back. Pinky side of the hands should flush to the spine. Do 3 breaths, pushing the praying hands up higher and away from the spine much as possible. 


Goal: Situate the praying hands up higher and away from the spine. 

Note: Correct angle of fingers points up, take care so the they do not point down or in to the back.

Anchor 7

7.肘下見の型 エルボーピークフォーム











Strengthening and releasing: Major muscle and inner muscle, fascia, meridians, and range of motion of the respective: Shoulder, Base of neck, chest, lower back, upper back, trapezius, shoulder blades.


Meridians: Releasing and toning Ki and circulation on: Small intestine meridian of Hand Tai-yang, Gallbladder Meridian of Foot Shaoyang, Lung meridian of Hand Taiyin, Heart Meridian of Hand-Shaoyin, Pericardium Meridian of Hand-Jueyin, Governor Vessel (meridian on the back at the center line on the spine).


Indication: Pain of the: Shoulder, upper back, Base of neck. 

Improves: Heart function, respiratory system, adrenal, shoulder level.


Join the hand and elbow to form prayer form. Maintain the arm form and elevate it while inhaling, until you can peek under your elbow. Exhale and lower the form.


Goal: Able to peek under the elbow without ducking the head.

Note: Take case so that elbows do not split apart.

           Inhaling while elevating the arm form.

Anchor 8

8.心包呼吸法 パラカーディアム ブリージングメソッド 

SHINHOU KOKYUHO “Pericardium Breathing Method”


補強と解放部位:目、指、手首、後頭部(後頭骨)、首、頸椎、 肩、肩甲骨、背中、胸椎(背骨)、脇腹、胸部、胸骨、 肋骨:の筋肉と深層筋、筋膜、経絡とその関節の可動域



手の太陰肺経(肺経の経絡)、手の少陰心経(心臓経の経絡)、手の厥陰心包経(心包経の経絡)足の太陽膀胱経(膀胱経の経絡)、督脈(後正中線の経絡)、任脈(前正中線の経絡)、 においた氣の流れ改善と氣の補足








Strengthening and releasing: Major muscle and inner muscle, fascia, meridians, and range of motion of the respective: Eyes, fingers, wrists, back of the head (occiput), neck (cervical), Shoulder, shoulder blade, back(thoracic), chest (sternum), ribs (intercostal).


Meridians: Releasing and toning Ki and circulation on: Triple Burner Meridian of Hand Shaoyang (Triple Burner Meridian), Small intestine meridian of Hand Tai-yang(Small intestine meridian), Large Intestine Meridian of Hand-Yangming(Large Intestine Meridian),Lung meridian of Hand Taiyin (Lung Meridian), Heart Meridian of Hand-Shaoyin (Heart Meridian), Pericardium Meridian of Hand-Jueyin (Pericardium Meridian) , Bladder meridian of foot-Taiyang (Bladder meridian), Governor Vessel (meridian on the back at the center line on the spine), Conception vessel (meridian on the frontal center line)


Indication: Pain of the: Eyes, fingers, wrists, back of the head, neck, upper back. 

Improves: Cranial alignment, occipital and atlas release, autonomic nervous system, eye health, lung function (breathing ability), pericardium, Heart and respiratory system, adrenal, shoulder level.


Entangle fingers and assemble the hands to be placed under the chin, elevate the elbows open while inhaling. Stretch all the fingers backwards, keeping the face looking straight forward. With exhale, closing both the elbow maintaining the elbows to trust high so they point forward, bending the upper body back ward, thrust the jaw with the assembled hands to raise the chin, bending the neck backwards so the face looks up also powerfully gaze up and over backwards. Breathing is done powerfully with nasal breath expanding the epi-pharynx (area in between the nose and the throat). Switch entangled fingers in between each repeat motion.


Goal: Elevate the elbows open very high so that the arms flush to face.


Note: Switch entangled fingers in between each repeat motion. When looking up also powerfully gaze upward and over to the back.

Anchor 9

9.修験山の型 ニンジャピークフォーム 

SHUGENZAN NOKATA “Ninja peaks form” 



主な経絡:手の少陽三焦経(三焦経の経絡)、手の太陽小腸経(小腸経の経絡)、手の陽明大腸経(大腸経の経絡)、手の太陰肺経(肺経の経絡)、手の少陰心経(心臓経の経絡)、手の厥陰心包経(心包経の経絡)、足の少陽胆経(胆嚢経の経絡)、 督脈(後正中線の経絡)、任脈(前正中線の経絡)においた氣の流れ改善と氣の補足



足を合わせて、左右の人差し指を立てた状態で残りの指を全て組む独鈷印(どっこいん)を胸で結ぶ。そのまま頭の後ろに移動させ、息を吸い込みながら耳の後ろで両腕の肘を伸ばし、頭上で印の指先が直角に天を指し、山の頂上を表現した型を体の正中線でとる。この時、両腕はまっすぐであり、両打肘が耳の後ろに接触している状態で背骨一つ一つを全て引き上げて間を開ける意識を持つ。そのまま息を吐きながら、印が頭上にある状態で体を左方向に曲げて印の先が左を指す体制で右側の肋骨間を全て開き一呼吸。 息を吸いながら中心の正中線に戻り一呼吸、この時印を組み直す。息を吐きながら右側に同じ体制をとりまた一呼吸。再度中心の正中線に戻り一呼吸。そして同じ状態を保ちながら後方に上半身を後屈させてみぞおちと胸を開き、印の先と頭の天辺が後ろを指す姿勢をとる。首はできるだけ後屈させて視線は上後方を力強く見て一呼吸。そして正中線に戻り一呼吸し、腕を下ろして印を胸の位置に戻す。




Strengthening and releasing: Major muscle and inner muscle, fascia, meridians, and range of motion of the respective: Eyes, fingers, wrists, elbow, shoulder, ribs, back, abdomen, chest, throat, neck.


Meridians: Releasing and toning Ki and circulation on: Triple Burner Meridian of Hand Shaoyang (Triple Burner Meridian), Small intestine meridian of Hand Tai-yang(Small intestine meridian), Large Intestine Meridian of Hand-Yangming(Large Intestine Meridian),Lung meridian of Hand Taiyin (Lung Meridian), Heart Meridian of Hand-Shaoyin (Heart Meridian), Pericardium Meridian of Hand-Jueyin (Pericardium Meridian) , Bladder meridian of foot-Taiyang (Bladder meridian), Governor Vessel (meridian on the back at the center line on the spine), Conception vessel (meridian on the frontal center line)


Indication: Pain of the: Elbow, shoulder, ribs, pelvic area, back, abdomen, chest, throat, neck.

Improves: Hiatus hernia, inguinal hernia, tension in diaphragm, respiratory system.



With feet together, form “Dokko In ” hand seal, or “Uttarabodhi” in Mudra,in front of the chest by arranging index fingers on both hands to be raised, touching each other while the remaining fingers are crossed down and folded to unite the hands. Move the hand seal toward the back of the head, with the deep inhale, elevate the arms behind the ears so the Dokko In hand seal is situated above the head with elbows straight, points vertically towards the sky, forming the mountain peak resemblance form on your center axis. Both arms are straight and both elbows are flushed to back of ears at this time, keep in conscious that all the pieces of vertebras being pulled upward creating gaps. Exhale and while maintain the same form bend the body toward left pointing to the left side opening up the right ribs (intercostal spaces)and take one breath. While inhaling go back to the center, and take another breath, at this time switching the grip of the Dokko In hand seal. With the exhale, engage in the same form towards opposite side and take one breath. Once again go back to center axis and take another breath. While maintain the same form, bend the upper body backward, opening the solar plexus and the chest, directing the tip of your finger and the top of the head to point backward. Put effort in bending the neck backwards gazing over to the back side, and take another breath. At last, go back toward the center axis then take another breath, bring down the Dokko In hand seal to the front of the chest. 


Goal: Direct the body to increase flexibility toward side and back. Pull the spine upwards throughout the entire form.

Note: take care so the elbow does not flex, or arms come off from the back of ears. Always switch finger and rotate the hand seal. Keep the gaze strong while bending back.

Anchor 10

10.天秤の型 バランススケールフォーム

TENBIN NOKATA  “Balance Scale form”




主な経絡:手の少陽三焦経(三焦経の経絡)、手の太陽小腸経(小腸経の経絡)、手の陽明大腸経(大腸経の経絡)、手の太陰肺経(肺経の経絡)、手の少陰心経(心臓経の経絡)、手の厥陰心包経(心包経の経絡)、足の太陽膀胱経(膀胱経の経絡)、足の陽明胃経(胃経の経絡)、足の厥陰肝経(肝経の経絡)、 督脈(後正中線の経絡)、任脈(前正中線の経絡)、 帯脈(腰回りの経絡)においた氣の流れ改善と氣の補足









Strengthening and releasing: Major muscle and inner muscle, fascia, meridians, and range of motion of the respective: Fingers, wrists, elbow, shoulder, back, neck, legs, thigh (front, back), groin, glutes.


Meridians: Releasing and toning Ki and circulation on: Triple Burner Meridian of Hand Shaoyang (Triple Burner Meridian), Small intestine meridian of Hand Tai-yang(Small intestine meridian), Large Intestine Meridian of Hand-Yangming(Large Intestine Meridian),Lung meridian of Hand Taiyin (Lung Meridian), Heart Meridian of Hand-Shaoyin (Heart Meridian), Pericardium Meridian of Hand-Jueyin (Pericardium Meridian) , Bladder meridian of foot-Taiyang (Bladder meridian), Stomach Meridian of Foot- Yangming (Stomach Meridian), Liver Meridian of Foot-Jueyin (Liver Meridian), Governor Vessel (meridian on the back at the center line on the spine), Conception vessel (meridian on the frontal center line), Girdle Vessel (meridian that goes around waist)


Indication: Pain of the: Elbow, shoulder, pelvic area, back, chest, throat, neck.

Improves: Hiatus hernia, inguinal hernia, tension in diaphragm, respiratory system.


In front of the chest, form “Dokko In” hand seal, or “Uttarabodhi” in Mudra, by arranging index fingers on both hands to be raised, touching each other while the remaining fingers are crossed down and folded to unite the hands. Move the hand seal toward the back of the head, with the deep inhale, elevate the arms behind the ears so the Dokko In hand seal is situated above the head with elbows straight, points vertically towards the sky, forming the mountain peak resemblance form on your center axis. Both arms are straight and both elbows are flushed to back of ears at this time, keep in conscious that all the pieces of vertebras being pulled upward creating gaps.


Exhale and while maintain the same form step forward with the left leg, planting the leg and bend the body forward lifting right leg, making the arms, upper body, and right leg straight line that is horizontal to the ground. The foundation leg and the body are vertical forming the T shape with tip of the finger pointing forward. While inhaling, go back to center axis and take one breath, at this time switching the grip of the hand seal. With the exhale, engage in the same form with opposite side and take one breath. At last, go back toward the center axis then take another breath, bring down the hand seal to the front of the chest. 


Goal: To keep arms, upper body, and raised leg horizontal to the ground.

Note: While horizontal, keep in conscious the hip stays locked so it does not open. 

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